How to Offer Value to FSBOs Without Being Pushy

If you're a real estate agent, you've likely come across FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) in your work. These are homeowners who are attempting to sell their property on their own, without the help of a real estate agent. While it can be frustrating to see potential clients slipping away, it's important to approach FSBOs in a way that brings value without being pushy or aggressive. We are going to dive into how YOU can offer value to FSBOs to win them over and convert them into listings.


Build a Relationship

The first step in offering value to FSBOs is to build a relationship with them. When you first contact them be sure to offer your "assistance" without pushing your "services" on them. The goal is to establish trust and rapport, not to pressure them into using your services. Ask them questions that can allow you to add value, things like "How did you come up with the price of your home?", "Have you had any offers yet?", "What about the process has you most concerned?", "Do you have any questions I can assist with?".  Listen to their answers and concerns and provide them with valuable information.

Offer Valuable Resources

Real estate agents have access to a wealth of resources that FSBOs may not be aware of. Offer to provide them with information on pricing, marketing, and staging their home. As an example, one of the most common areas FSBO's fail is pricing their home. You could provide them with a comparative market analysis (CMA) that shows them the value of their home in the current market. By providing them with valuable resources, like this, you demonstrate your expertise and build trust with them.

Be Transparent

One of the reasons why some homeowners choose to sell their home without an agent is because they believe that agents are not transparent. Make it clear that you are there to help them and that you are transparent in your approach. Be upfront about your fees and commissions and explain how they will benefit from using your services. By being transparent, you will build trust and increase your chances of converting them into a listing.

Be Available

Make yourself available to FSBOs whenever they need you. Respond to their calls and emails promptly and be willing to meet with them at their convenience. By being available, you demonstrate your commitment to helping them sell their home.

Provide Value-Added Services

Offer value-added services that can help them sell their home. For example, you could offer to take professional photographs of their home, create a virtual tour of the property, hold an open house for them, stage their home or provide them with tips on how to improve their curb appeal. By providing these types of services, you don't lose much but rather it will allow you to demonstrate your value and increase your chances of converting them into a listing when they end up needing to hire a professional.

To provide value to FSBOs without being pushy, it is essential to adopt a thoughtful and respectful approach. As every homeowner has unique concerns and requirements, it is crucial to approach each FSBO with the mindset of providing assistance rather than focusing on getting something in return. By leading with a value-driven approach, you have the potential to gain their trust, and in the best-case scenario, win their business.

FSBO Town Staff
Post by FSBO Town Staff
March 28, 2023
