The Role of Trust and Credibility in Converting FSBOs


Converting leads from For Sale By Owner (FSBO) listings into clients can be a rewarding challenge for real estate agents. These motivated sellers have chosen the do-it-yourself route, but they often come to realize the value of working with a professional.

As an agent, establishing trust and credibility with FSBO leads is crucial in successfully converting them into clients. Let's explore the significance of trust and credibility in converting FSBOs and provide valuable tips to help you maximize your success when working with for sale by owners.

Understanding the Value of FSBO Leads

Many agents avoid working with FSBOs because they perceive them as difficult to work with or fear how the FSBO sellers may respond when approached. However, FSBOs are just like any other lead - with the right approach, you can find success.

So, what is the best way to approach a for sale by owner lead? We recommend always starting by acknowledging the FSBO seller's independent efforts and showing respect for their decision. This will immediately build trust with the FSBO lead. Here is an example script to break the ice:

"I see you are selling your home yourself. I really respect that. It takes a lot of work to sell a home but you can certainly save some money if you can do it successfully. I don't blame you for trying it on your own first -  in fact, more people should give it a shot in my opinion.

The reason for my call today is..."

Building Personal Connections and Offering Value

Now that you have led by complimenting the FSBO seller, you should have them in a position where they are willing to hear you out. This next phase of the conversation is critical for you to demonstrate the value you can bring to the FSBO - what is in it for them.

Offering value right from the start is the best way to build a relationship and trust with FSBO leads. Some examples of value that you can provide include: offering them free resources, such as market reports, home valuation tools, or educational content on the selling process.

One of our personal favorites is offering to hold a free Open House for the FSBO seller. This allows you to demonstrate your marketing skills and also helps the FSBO lead appreciate the convenience of having someone else handle the home sale for them. Additionally, it is a great way for you to gain exposure to neighbors and meet potential buyer clients.

By offering valuable services or information without expecting anything in return, you position yourself as a trusted advisor and resource for the FSBO lead. This generosity helps foster trust and increases the likelihood that they will consider your services when they decide to work with a real estate professional.

Showcasing Expertise and Experience

Once you have gotten the FSBO seller open to the idea of having your support through your value-added services, take the opportunity to share your experience and why they should feel confident working with you.

Don't overdo it - they aren't looking to hire an agent yet, so selling yourself too aggressively can turn them off. We recommend that instead of focusing on your personal sales records, you share a story or two of how you have helped a FSBO seller in their position before. Let them know you will follow up the call by sending them your personal information, including your professional qualifications and certifications, so they can verify for themselves that you are a pro. In addition to building trust, this will help them understand that you are a professional with extensive market knowledge, negotiation skills, and access to a vast network of potential buyers.

Remember, converting FSBO leads takes time and patience. By consistently demonstrating your trustworthiness, expertise, and seeking to bring value to the FSBO lead, you will position yourself as the go-to agent for their real estate needs. This ensures a successful and mutually beneficial relationship.

FSBO Town Staff
Post by FSBO Town Staff
June 26, 2023
